We remind you that the choice of a possible adoption of one of our kittens is agreed by mutual agreement between the breeding and the adopter. A kitten is not a commodity, the Bosphore cattery grants itself the right to refuse an option/adoption if this does not guarantee the happiness and development of the kitten. We know the needs/characters of our little ones best, so please respect the decision.


Read carefully before acquiring one of our Turkish Angora kittens.


We pay special attention to the future of our kittens.


Any reservation can be effective only after having seen and chosen your kitten.


 We accept online bookings only if distances warrant.


 At this time, a deposit (down payment) of 1/3 of the final sale price (*) is requested in cash or by bank transfer and will act as a reservation of the kitten (no check).


 You will receive the document of proof of your deposit (**).


 Down payments are accepted, but are never refunded in case of withdrawal on your part for any reason whatsoever.


We reserve the right to refuse a sale without having to justify, if a deposit has already been paid, it will be fully refunded.



Some precisions.


A kitten is available, that means he is waiting for a new family.


A kitten is optional, it means he is waiting for a reservation until the person to whom he is promised can come to see him.


A kitten is reserved, it means that he has found a master and a down payment has been deposited.


Our kittens are destined for the company, means that we do not desire in any case that they reproduce.


All our kittens will leave for company from 4 months, vaccinated, dewormed, sterilized, equipped with a microchip, registered in the meadows of Organisation Féline Belge (pedigree) or Be Tica Cats Club (pedigree) and in possession of their vaccination book.




When you take your kitten, you will receive a bag of 2 kilograms of kibble suitable for kittens.


If you want to change your kitten at home, you will have to go gradually, 50/50 to start, then 1/3 and 2/3 and then with your croquettes.


Thank you for understanding.


Do not hesitate to contact us if you want more information, We will be happy to answer you.



* (1/3 of the final sales price) Why? To avoid impulse buying!


** (Arrhe) Sum paid by the buyer in exchange for a reservation granted by the seller on an order.


The buyer may waive the sale; he then loses the amount of the deposit.








The buyer and the guarantor agree that they have been informed and accept that, regardless of the method of payment, the breeder retains ownership of the animal that is the subject of this agreement until he has collected the entire sum agreed for sale and that this collection conditions the transfer of ownership.


The buyer also agrees that in compensation for the immediate enjoyment of an animal whose breeder has not yet cashed the financial counterpart, he will assume during this period full responsibility for all risks of loss, theft, accident , death, diseases that may be the victim of the animal, whatever the cause, even if it is a fortuitous event or a force majeure, with the exception of those mentioned and occurring in the given in the warranty section of this document.


The buyer and the guarantor are informed and agree that the change of address of the owner to the central file is done by the seller only after the latter has cashed the entire amount agreed for the sale and that, during during this period, the seller keeps all the identification documents in addition to the animal's property.






In the event of even partial payment failure, the seller will be free to take back the animal, or have it taken back by any person whom he will order for this purpose, on a date chosen by him unless the defaulter takes it from him. even the initiative to return the animal at a date to be agreed with the seller.


In all cases, the costs incurred by the return of the animal will be fully supported by a defaulting buyer who agrees can not claim the seller payments before its default and must pay the sums become due the day of restitution the animal, unless there is a special agreement, other provisions to compensate the seller.






The animal is delivered with a health record certifying that it has been vaccinated by a veterinarian against contagious diseases, additional reminders being the responsibility of the buyer.


The animal is registered in one of these genealogical books, on receipt of the official documents of Organisation Féline Belge  or BE Tica Cats Club, the seller will send them to the owner as soon as the sums due to him by the latter are received,




Unless otherwise provided by amendment, the purchaser agrees that the animal that is the subject of this agreement is acquired exclusively for his personal and family use, thereby excluding any use for reproduction purposes.




Our cats are sold guaranteed saints for Leucosis-Typhus-Coryza-Chlamydia-Feline Infectious Peritonitis diseases.




The guarantee is 30 days from the day following the delivery of the animal




Rates of our kittens.



Kittens for the company (sterilized)




1250  euros





Delivery rates.


We deliver our kittens (if necessary).


Our delivery rates are:


Less than 250 Km = Free.


From 251 Km to 300 Km = 70 €


From 301 Km to 400 Km = 80 €


From 401 km to 500 Km = 100 €


From 501 Km to 750 Km = 150 €


Beyond 750 Km, we do not deliver, it is up to you to move to the cattery or if you are really too far in the 'delivery zone'.