Havvanur's Look Out - Sakura de Saint Paer
over 5 générations = 2,17 %
over 8 générations = 2,36 %
Havvanur's Look Out - Sissi de Saint Paer
over 5 générations = 2,17 %
over 8 générations = 2,36 %
Havvanur's Look Out - Tiana Kheops du Bosphore
over 5 générations = 25 %
over 8 générations = 25 %
A - "handle with care" if it is above 25 % over 5 générations
B - "apply with caution" between 10 and 25 % over 5 générations
C - "excellent" Bellow 5% over 5 générations
We can not approach consanguinity without first giving some definitions of the notion of race:
Breed, in English:
Set of individuals sharing a number of morphological characters:
- distinctive (distinguishing them from other breeds)
- homogeneous (uniformity of certain characters within the breed)
- fixed (stable transferable to their offspring).
Set of individuals with the same breed name on their pedigree, according to an original book set.
Set of individuals with the same breed standard.
Reading these definitions, we understand that while some breeds are natural, many other animal breeds (and breeds "pedigree") are the result of desire and selection work of breeders, for various reasons and objectives : merino sheep and angora rabbits for their wool, chinchillas or minks for their fur, Aberdeen or Charolais beef for their meat, but also Bantam chickens, koi carp, Yorkshire ... and our purebred cats for their physical and behavioral attractions!
This is of course the case of our Turkish angora!
"Protecting future generations to prevent the extinction of a breed"